About Suban Fitness and Personal Training


HI! I'm Candace Hawkins, founder and CEO of Suban Fitness. How I can up with this brand is a very interesting story. While working at a Target store in college, an older lady checked out and she had some symbols tattooed on her wrist. I paid no mind to them. About a month later, a younger lady checks out with the same tattooed symbols. I proceeded to ask her about them and mentioned the older lady who came in with the same tattoos in the same exact spot. She explained that was her mother and they got the same tattoos of West African Adinkra symbols as a mother daughter thing. I went home and googled these symbols. After long research, the "Sesa Wo Suban" symbol resonated with me. As a certified personal trainer and former collegiate athlete, I have continuously been transforming and changing aspects of myself. Fitness is all about transformation and being willing to change you character for the greater good of ones health. Sesa Wo Suban stands for all of us!!!